We are in another wave of COVID-19. The number of people being admitted to hospital is rising. Let’s look after ourselves and each other.
If you’re over 18 and haven’t had a COVID booster in 2023, consider getting a booster if you haven't had COVID itself in the last six months.
If you’re over 65 and haven’t had a COVID booster in the last six months, we recommend getting a booster if you haven't had COVID itself in the last six months.
And remember:
Stay home if you’re crook
Think about how close you stand to people in crowded spaces
Wear a face mask if you can’t keep your distance, or places like clinics and shopping centres
Wash your hands.
If you need help, reach out Kambu Health and we can yarn with you on what you need OR phone Mob Link 7 days a week from 7am until 7pm on 1800 254 354.
You can get COVID antivirals from Kambu Health or Mob Link, if you’re eligible.
Let’s keep our community safe.