Kambu Health is waving the Torres Strait Island flag TODAY!
29 May is Torres Strait Islander Flag Day, a time to honour the cultural heritage, resilience, and contributions of Torres Strait Islander people. Respect, honour, and unity!
The Torres Strait Islander flag was designed by the late Bernard Namok Senior from Thursday Island.
In 1992, Mr Namok won the Torres Strait Islander flag design competition and the flag was officially presented to the people of the Torres Strait at the sixth Torres Strait Cultural Festival on 29 May 1992.
During his acceptance speech, Bernard Namok Senior described the symbolism of his design.
“What my design stands for is quite simple: The two green bands are the two mainland of Australia and Papua New Guinea. The blue is the waters of the Torres Strait and the symbol that identifies every Torres Strait Islanders anywhere, the Dhori (Headdress).
“The five points of the star are our group the Eastern, Central, Western, Port Kennedy group and the many that made the mainland their home. I would like to thank those of you who have accepted my design and in time, those of you who will.”