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Domestic Violence Month, May 2024

It’s up to all of us Mob to end violence in our Community.  If someone you know is experiencing domestic and family violence, there are ways you can provide support. 


Sometimes all a person affected by domestic and family violence needs is for you to listen without judgement.


Yarn with the person who is experiencing violence about what they need and how you can provide support. 


When someone is experiencing violence, it’s common for the person to feel sad, shame, and low self-worth. It’s important that the person affected is supported to make their own choices, in their own time.


If the person experiencing violence become distant, stay in contact, and let them know you’re available to yarn when needed. A support network is important. 


Never blame the person experiencing violence and don’t make excuses for the person who has hurt them.  Violence is never okay.


Let the person know there are free services that can support them, and find options such as Mob Link, DV Connect or 1800 RESPECT.


If you need support, call Kambu Health on 3810 3000, or you can call Mob Link on 1800 254 354, seven days a week from 7am to 7pm.


If there is an emergency, or if someone is in danger, call 000.


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