Today is Indigenous Literacy Day!
This year's theme is Be a Proud Voice for Country.
Join the celebrations by watching the free FILM and LIVESTREAM featuring many Proud Voices For Country. Register via:
Join us as we take you on an exciting journey into three First Nations Communities across Australia.
We’re visiting Cunnamulla in Queensland, Vincentia in New South Wales and the Tiwi Islands in the Northern Territory. We’ll be sharing stories, cultures and languages in a day featuring many Proud Voices.
Do you know what a Moondagutta is? Ever heard of Booglies? Register now and find out!
This year, we’re celebrating the theme ‘Be A Proud Voice for Country’. We’ll be sharing some of the deep and diverse ways children, Elders and families connect with Country; and the significance of Country in Aboriginal Communities.
You’ll learn about Dreaming stories from the riverbank in Cunnamulla; join teenagers as they explore culture through poetry and art in Vincentia; and hear incredible stories and songs from children and Elders on the Tiwi Islands.