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Kambu Health Men's Retreat 2022

Last year, Saturday 19 November to Monday 21 November 2022, Kambu Health organized a men's retreat in the Bunya Mountains on Wakka Wakka Country.

The retreat aimed to enhance the social and emotional wellbeing of First Nation men in the west Moreton region, with the goal of preventing suicide through shared cultural community connection.

The men’s retreat funded by Darling Downs and west Moreton Primary Health Network and made possible through the volunteer efforts of staff from Kambu Health medical clinic, West Moreton Health, Indigenous Institute for Urban Indigenous Health, Dhuwa Coffee, and Diabetes Queensland.

29 First Nation men took part in cultural and collaborative workshops over the course of three (3) days. This included activities such as artifact and art painting with KHJ Arts, bushwalking, yarning circles, identity workshops, didgeridoo workshops with Rhan Hooper, and presentations by guest speakers such as Adam Williams from DHUWA coffee and diabetes cultural education.

Unfortunately, the retreat was disrupted by a severe storm on Sunday night that resulted in the loss of power for over 12 hours, leading to an early conclusion of the retreat by one (1) day.

Despite this, the participants yarned, shared experiences, learnt together, and created strong connections with one another. Kambu Health social health is working hard to ensure future retreats are an ongoing option for men and women.
