Last week Ipswich Children and Family Centre (CFC) welcomed Bruce from Murri Tukka to the first of our family holiday programs. CFC families experienced a cultural food tasting and presentation of local bush foods which have been used for food and medicine for thousands of years by our people.
Bush foods are so healthy for many reasons. They have no preservatives or additives and deliver essential nutrients not found in the processed food commonly consumed today.
Bruce is passionate about sharing the knowledge passed on to him about feeding off country to the jarjums and their families.
He educated CFC families on how to source bush food respectfully. To collect food off country, Bruce yarns with the plants to ask their permission, he observes what food the animals of the area are needing and doesn’t touch these foods, he respects and observes what he has been taught by the ancestors and the creator spirit.
CFC families learnt how important it is for them to build their knowledge of foods from county, go back to basics and think about the food we put into our bodies.
Ipswich Children and Family Centre (CFC) is here to support all parents/carers of children aged 0-8 years; contact our CFC team today PH: 3810 3010.